The term “stack” is commonly used in the programming world to describe all of the technology a developer uses to create an application
In the business world, it’s all of the technology a business uses to operate. It can be hardware or software, on-premises or in the cloud
We’ve broken down a business’ tech stack into the following:
The sales stack includes all of the technology a business uses to support the purveyance of its goods and services. The Sales Stack is disparate from the Admin Stack signifying its importance to the ongoing concern of a business
Social media, creative design, landing pages
Campaigns, drip marketing, web analytics
The Admin Stack is the technology that supports all of a business’ operations outside of the sales stack. If you want, explore our services by industry here
CRMs, workflows, blueprints, project management, accounting
Help desk, knowledgebase, web chat, remote assistance
Payroll, timeclock, benefits management
The IT Stack includes not only the software that supports technical operations, but also includes hardware located at the physical plant. It bears mentioning there can be overlap – collaboration tools are often built into productivity suites
ISPs, web services, SIP & VOIP, collaboration
Networking equipment, workstations, phones
Anti-virus, VPN, password management